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Composition unidentified tones. Texture unidentified. It depicts the arrival of the Portuguese in Brazil, Anchieta writing in the sand, Bandeirantes and indigenous. The scene are depicted against lanscape of sea and mountains, interspersed by long tree trunks. In the foreground, from the left to the right an Indian and two standing figures and a row of canoes. The Anchieta figure is a little on the left of center ahead, standing with his head down, writing in the sand with a long pole. Proceeding from the center to the right, in the foreground, a horse from the front, with the head to the left; a man lying face down on the floor, along the lower on the right edge; two white horses - the first of back and the other forward, with his head and a rider on it with the on the right arm raised. In the background, on the left, large group of indigenous back in attack position, with arrows pointing in the direction of two caravels, which are at sea in the background. At the center, a man sitting on the floor with a back on the right horse and behind a large hollow. From the center to on the right: Knights troop forming a large "S", led three horses side by side in a diagonal from the left to the right and from front to back, mounted by riders. A little after, three horses side by side oriented to the right, also mounted by riders. Geometrized ground in areas of light and dark tones and background mountains.
Candido PortinariPerson
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