Actions of the Art and Education and Social Inclusion Center of the Portinari Project

This sector includes initiatives and programs that use art as an educational and social integration tool. Currently, the Portinari Project includes in its range of activities:

Lines, Colors and Shapes - 120 Years of the Brodowski Boy – Fortaleza (2023-2024)

The exhibition Lines, Colors and Shapes - 120 Years of the Brodowski Boy, an initiative promoted by a group of embroiderers and artisans from Fortaleza and held between December 2023 and February 2024 in partnership with the Banco do Nordeste Cultural Center, paid homage to the rich combination of lines, colors and shapes present in Portinari's works, through the craft tradition that is an essential part of Brazilian cultural identity.

Portinarião – Portinari no Maranhão (2023)

The exhibition 'Portinarião - An exhibition of Candido Portinari in Maranhão' was held in the city of Imperatriz, Maranhão. Inaugurated on December 12, 2023, the exhibition of 44 replicas will run for six months at the Tatajuba Cultural Center in Imperatriz, 600 kilometers from São Luís.

The exhibition was free and open to people of all ages and levels of education. Art workshops, workshops, lectures, courses and conversation circles were also held.

Portinari nos Pampas (2023)

 By addressing the theme of the School Garden in dialogue with the work of Candido Portinari, working on the relationship between childhood and the education of the body in the socio-environmental context, the exhibition 'Portinari in Pampas', held in 2023 in collaboration with Embrapa, the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel), the Institutional Teaching Initiation Scholarship Program (Pibid), E. E. F São Vicente Paulo and E. M. E. F Santa Irene, highlighted the integration of art and education against the backdrop of Portinari's profound interpretation of life. E.E.F São Vicente de Paulo and E.M.E.F Santa Irene, highlighted the integration of art and education against the backdrop of Portinari's profound interpretation of life, valuing the relationship between childhood and the environment.

Portinari na Ilha (Portinari on the Island) - Florianópolis (2023)

In partnership with Florianópolis City Hall and the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) in 2023, the 'Portinari on the Island' exhibition promoted the strengthening of human development from early childhood by offering a unique artistic experience, through educational activities dedicated to children and training for educators from the municipal school system. By integrating art, education and institutional partnerships, 'Portinari on the Island' broadened the cultural experience and contributed to a rich educational environment in the city of Florianópolis.

Portinari nas Quebradas (Portinari in the Outskirts) (2022-2023):

Within the state of Rio de Janeiro, the traveling exhibitions are part of the 'Portinari in the Outskirts' project, which takes place in regions where the inhabitants do not have common and constant access to cultural facilities, either because of violence or the absence of public policies that favor this right.

Instituto Arteiros - Cidade de Deus (2023)

E. M. Profª Ophélia Ribeiro Martins  - Magé (2023)

Biblioteca Parque de Niterói (2023)

Palacete Princesa Isabel - Santa Cruz (2022)

Biblioteca Parque da Rocinha C4 (2022)

Museu do Grafite  - Pavuna  (2022)

Instituto Nacional de Educação de Surdos  (INES)   (2022)

Ekballo - Madureira  (2022)

Gomeia Galpão Criativo - Caxias  (2022)

Lei de Incentivo à Cultura - Lei Rouanet
PUC Rio Portinari
Enauta Itau
 logo Projeto Portinari Ministério da Cultura