
Special Acknowledgement

To Maria Portinari, Candido Portinari's widow, for her generous support at all times and for the loan of the originals that make up this collection. The documents she patiently gathered were the genesis of the Portinari Project, a testimony to her love and faith in the future of that young and then unknown artist.


It is essential to mention that the Portinari Project would not have reached the heights it has without the collaboration and commitment of the researchers and professionals who, through their work, have contributed to the creation of its collection and, more broadly, to its development in its various areas of activity. They were as follows:

Adriana Kauffman

André Arraes

Angela Lessa

Angela Villela

Angela Maria Mega e Chagas

Antonio Albuquerque

Antonio Gusmão

Antonio Roberto Neiva Blundi

Carolina Matheus

Celso Alves da Cruz

Christina S. Gabaglia Penna

Ciro Mariano

Claus Meyer

Daniel Benevides

Daniel Menascé

Daniel Schwabe

Enrico Bianco

Fábio Ruiz

Fátima Pereira

Fernanda Martins

Gabriel Monçores

Georges Svetlichny

Georgina Staneck

Guilherme Neumann

Guilherme Teixeira

Ingrid Beck

Jean Boghici

Jean-Paul Jacob

José Antonio Faria Corrêa

Jussara Celestino

Kátia Nunes Machado Braune

Leonel Kaz

Letícia Brandão

Liester Cruz

Lúcia Meira Lima

Luís Fernando Diniz Junqueira Barbosa

Luiz Felipe Moraes

Luiz Tucherman

Madalena Diegues

Marcello Dantas

Márcia de Oliveira Castro Lopes

Marcos Leite de Araújo

Marcos Martins

Maria Christina Guido

Maria do Carmo Alves

Maria Helena Magalhães Castro

Maria Lúcia Faria Rodrigues

Maria Pierina Camargo

Maria Rita Gaivão

Marisa Marques

Nicolau Drei, Paula Ypiranga dos Guaranys

Paulo Costa Ribeiro

Peter Schneider


Raul Renteria

Regina Ferraz

Reinaldo Santos

Richard Romero

Robson Mattos

Romulo Fialdini

Rosana de Saldanha da Gama Lanzelotte

Rose Ingrid Goldschmidt

Rui Milidiu

Salvador Monteiro

Sidney Paciornik

Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa

Solange de Oliveira e Almeida

Sueli Medeiros

Suely Avellar

Vera Madalena de Lira

Vera Maria de Abreu Alencar

Walter Annibal Etchegarray

Lei de Incentivo à Cultura - Lei Rouanet
PUC Rio Portinari
Enauta Itau
 logo Projeto Portinari Ministério da Cultura