
Partnership 1

Museu Casa de Portinari [House of Portinari Museum]

The House of Portinari Museum is a cultural space located in the city of Brodowski, in the interior of the state of São Paulo. Its main objective is to preserve the memory and legacy of painter Cândido Portinari.

The institution is housed in the former residence where Portinari lived during his childhood and adolescence, providing visitors with a unique immersion in the artist's life and work. The house, built at the beginning of the 20th century, was restored and transformed into a museum, which opened to the public in 1970.

The House of Portinari Museum's collection is made up of a rich collection of the painter's works, depicting different periods of his career. Among the pieces on display are paintings, murals, drawings and studies that reveal the diversity of themes Portinari dealt with, from everyday scenes to representations of social and political aspects of Brazil.

Foto: Reprodução Redes Sociais/Museu Casa de Portinari/Revide 

Upon entering the house, visitors have the opportunity to explore the rooms that made up the artist's personal universe. The furniture, personal objects and photographs on display provide an intimate insight into Portinari's life, allowing a deeper connection with his career and inspirations.

The House of Portinari Museum is not limited to the physical space of the painter's house. It extends to outside areas, such as the beautiful garden that surrounds the property. This carefully maintained space offers a pleasant environment for visitors to explore while absorbing the atmosphere that served as inspiration for many of Portinari's works.

To commemorate the 120th anniversary of Portinari's birth, in December 2023 the Casa de Portinari Museum added another space: a house bought by the family in the 1940s and used as the artist's studio.

Restorers worked there for three years and recovered unknown works by the painter. In addition, the João Candido Portinari Research and Reference Center, a tribute from the House of Portinari Museum to the director and founder of the Portinari Project, is now housed in the annex.

The institution also plays a key role in promoting education and culture in the region. It regularly holds educational activities, workshops, lectures and cultural events, seeking to involve the local community and visitors in an ongoing educational process.

In addition, the museum has invested in digital initiatives, such as virtual tours and online collections, allowing a wider audience to have access to Cândido Portinari's legacy, regardless of their geographical location.

The House of Portinari Museum represents not only a place of historical preservation, but also a dynamic space that seeks to keep the flame of art and culture alive. By providing an immersive experience in the life and work of one of Brazil's greatest artists, the museum contributes to understanding and appreciating the richness of the country's artistic production. It is a testimony to the importance of preserving and sharing cultural heritage for present and future generations.

Lei de Incentivo à Cultura - Lei Rouanet
PUC Rio Portinari
Enauta Itau
 logo Projeto Portinari Ministério da Cultura