
The Baptism of JesusExecuted to




CR Number



199 x 299 cm

Art Form


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Artwork Surface

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General Info

The Baptism of Jesus
Composition in gray, blue, green, earthy, yellow, purple, ochre, white and orange. Smooth texture. It depicts St. John the Baptist baptized Jesus in the Jordan River waters, being observed by several people, seeing to the arid lanscape background with some hills. In the foreground, on the left of center, Jesus standing, facing. It has long face, brown wavy hair falling behind the shoulders, eyes closed, long, thin nose, lips closed and beard. wear cloth wrapped around the waist, the arm is bent with the on the right hand at chest height holding one end of the cloth; on the left arm slightly bent forearm forward holding in his hand the other end of the cloth. He is standing in the Jordan River whose waters cover her feet and ankles, seeing himself above his head, a white dove in the air, facing symbolizing the Holy Spirit. Jesus being watered in the head by John who is your on the left, that is, the on the right of the center of the composition. The saint is standing barefoot on a dirt mound rectangular. It is from the waist down profile to the left and with the trunk almost in front. Has the round face turned toward the Holy Spirit, dark, short, curly hair, delicate nose and straight and closed thin lips. wear transparent white cloth and one of the tips up his back covering the shoulder and on the right arm, the other end is draped over his on the left arm. The on the right arm is stretched forward, toward Jesus in whose hand holds a small container with water, which is wetting the head of Jesus. The on the left arm is bent and held in the hand long rod with the lock edge that forms a cross. Still in the foreground on the left figure of a man already old, standing, facing right 3/4 watching the It depicts. wear a brown coat, an orange robe covers her head and a lilac that it involves the neck falling in front and behind, and the tip of the front he holds with both hands that are set. On the right behind St. John the Baptist six figures group also watching the It depicts. The first profile is on the left, wears yellow blue cloth garment with the head looking up the folded on the left arm on the chest to the next hand neck and is barefoot. To the right of this figure, man, standing, facing, using green tunic with mantle lighter shade in the head, on the right arm covered by the figure of St. John the Baptist and on the left folded on the chest with hand near the neck. The other four figures are almost completely concealed by the first two can be seen only the cloths covering their heads and part of the aging face of one of them. In the background, the Jordan River in gray tone with small green spots that suggest movement. On the left, two stones emerge from the water. In the background, arid earthy with rare vegetation, with tracks arranged symmetrically forming a queue. Horizon defined seeing three hills and plain blue sky. The floor where the figures are standing on is in earthy tone with scattered boulders.
Location Created



Artwork Function
Executed toArtworkFunctionType
Artwork Function Description
Work executed to decorate the Church of Lord Jesus of the Cane, Batatais, SP.

Support and Technique

Art Form
Art Medium
Artwork Surface


Igreja do Senhor Bom Jesus da Cana Verde doada pela comissão de obras da Igreja, que a adquiriu do artista, sob encomenda, em 1952Collection


Height (cm)
Width (cm)
Dimension Notes
precisão: aproximadas

Signature and annotation

Unsigned and undated


Related Document67
Related Event2


Lei de Incentivo à Cultura - Lei Rouanet
PUC Rio Portinari
Enauta Itau
 logo Projeto Portinari Ministério da Cultura