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General Info
Jesus Meets His Mother, Fourth Station of the Via Crucis
Composition in gray tones, earthy, rose, blue, green, yellow and white. Smooth, thick texture in some regions and marked brushstrokes. It depicts Jesus carrying the cross on his knees with Our Lady kneeling before him and soldier with whip up like flog him. In the foreground, on the right, Our Lady, kneeling, facing right. wears long robe, has long, straight and loose hair and has hands raised and close to the face of Jesus is in front, to the right of center of the composition, kneeling and profile to the left. He carries the cross, resting on the right shoulder and is with his on the left arm stretched forward with the hand holding the on the right hand of Our Lady. In the background, on the right, soldier standing in front using short tunic, boots and helmet are suggesting leather. On the right arm stretched across the chest and holds a whip with which it will appears whipping Jesus. Background in gray tones with two geometrical areas and floor in rose and red tones.
Candido PortinariPerson
Artwork Function
Executed toArtworkFunctionType
Artwork Function Description
Work executed to decorate the Church of Lord Jesus of the Cane, Batatais, SP.
Support and Technique
Igreja do Senhor Bom Jesus da Cana Verde doada por particulares, que a adquiriram do artista, sob encomenda, em 1953. Portinari foi responsável por metade da doaçãoCollection
Height (cm)
Width (cm)
Signature and annotation
Unsigned and undated
Annotation Author
Inscription on reverse of support "4”
Related Document13
Related Event2