
Saint Lucy and Saint PeterExecuted to




CR Number



274 x 240 cm

Art Medium


Artwork Surface

combined medium and support
Mentioned By3
Is Part Of

General Info

Saint Lucy and Saint Peter
Composition in earthy, ochre, blue, green, rose, yellow, red, gray, violet, orange, white, black, purple and gold tones. Smooth and rough texture resulting of the support. Altarpiece occupying the entire wall of the chapel. In the center of the composition, round window and a tabernacle, flanked by Saint Luzia and Saint Peter with their entire body represented. The background of the composition is decorated with small stars, crowns of thorns, strings and various inscriptions. A little below the middle of the composition, at the center, concrete slab on the balance sheet serving as altar and side angles, two masonry protuberances, suggesting high benches decorated with flower pots. From the left to the right, we see: along the left side edge, red square with three arrows and the inscription "INRI"; slightly sinuous rope knotted at the top end inserted in rose and red rectangle. More to the right, beginning of the area in earthy tone dotted with small yellow stars that stop at the bottom of a rectangle in ochre and orange with the inscription "SAVE". We see below a checkered area of brown and red ochre in which thorn crowns are inserted in the dark squares. To the left center of the composition, dark blue rectangle ending in a bow at the top, bounded by line in rose tone inside which is Saint Luzia, standing, facing her head 3/4 to the left. She has very light skin, black, long, wavy hair falling i front of the shoulders; broad forehead, large almond-shaped eyes looking left, delicate nose and well-delineated lips. She wears a purple tunic emblazoned with small stars, blue belt and red band fallen to the right. Over the dress we see a white tunic with yellow inside. Left arm along the body with the hand grasings a palm branch, and bent right hand almost at the left shoulder which supports a small tray where two eyes are resting. Legs slightly apart and bare feet. In the center of the composition near the upper edge is the inscription "CHRIST" Below, square green-hued area where a round corrugated-glass window is closed; just above the slab, serving altar, tabernacle in painted blue and gold wood with central door, above which we see a small square in blue tone, and inside, the representation of a cross. To the right of the center of the composition, dark blue rectangle ending in a bow at the top and delimited by a shade of rose, inside of which is Saint Peter, standing with head turned 3/4 to the left. He has gray hair, broad and wrinkled forehead, sunken eyes turned to the left, hooked nose and closed lips perceived through the gray mustache and beard. He wears a white tunic with red sash at the waist looking to the left piece of string on the end of which two keys hang. His arms are bent with hands placed on the chest, legs apart and bare feet. Further to the right, continuation of the area in earthy tone dotted with small yellow stars that stop at the bottom of a rectangle in ochre and orange with the inscription "+US+" with checkered area of ​​earthy and red ochre below, in which the dark squared crowns of thorns are inserted. On the right side edge, a red square with a heart with the inscription "J M C S" and slightly sinuous rope with the upper end knotted, set inside a rose and red rectangle. The side projections are decorated on their front with flower pots. The two vessels are oval and carry branches of daisies, roses and carnations. It is suggested they are resting on area of dar earthy tone, serving astailpiece - a wide baseboard for- the entire bottom edge of the composition. Below the altar slab and feet of the saints, rose tone rectangle suggesting to be painted later that the dark dotted area of ​​daisies that surrounds it.
Location Created
General Info
The models for this work were Ida Portinari and Baptista Portinari, sister and father of the artist, respectively.



Artwork Function
Executed toArtworkFunctionType
Artwork Function Description
Work executed as a retable for the “Nonna” chapel in Brodowski, SP. The house where the artist’s parents lived, along with the work, was expropriated by the São Paulo state government in 1969 and transformed into a museum in 1970.

Support and Technique

Art Medium
Artwork Surface
combined medium and supportArtworkSurfaceType
Work features a circular hole with a diameter of 51.5 cm in the upper middle half, and below two lateral structures, the one on the left measuring 121.5 x 39.5 x 44 cm and the one on the right 122 x 39.5 x 41 cm. The wooden reliquary on the retable measures 43 x 32 x 12 cm, and the suspended concrete shelf that serves as an altar is 121.5 cm above the ground and measures 46 x 95 x 6 cm.


Preservation Number
Obra tombada sob o nº 00046 e o nº 00047.


Museu Casa de Portinari adquirida pelo Governo do Estado de São Paulo em julho de 1969Collection


Height (cm)
Width (cm)
Dimension Notes
formato: irregular

Signature and annotation

Unsigned and undated
Annotation Author
Inscriptions, in top left corner, "INRI” and in top right corner, "J C M S”; in middle of top edge, "CHRISTO”; at top left, "SALVE”; at top right, "+ NOS +”


Related Document93
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Lei de Incentivo à Cultura - Lei Rouanet
PUC Rio Portinari
Enauta Itau
 logo Projeto Portinari Ministério da Cultura