Mentioned By
Is Part Of
The Last Bulwark
Composition in gray, white, black, earthy, green and red. Smooth and thick texture. It depicts two mothers with their children in his arms in despair attitude as if to ward off the threat of indefinite form that lies ahead of them. The figures are outlined by dark lines and set to deliberate significant deformation. Background suggesting street, defined by geometrical superposition areas there chiaroscuro on the figures. The two women are on the right area of the composition, side by side, almost in profile to the left. They are crouched, resting on the left knee. The front embraces eleven small children of which see only the faces in front with folded profiles except for one which sees the on the right arm. The mother figure is extremely deformed face and neck looking up bulging eyes, straight nose, lips parted with tongue out suggesting be howling. The other woman has her whole body filled with regular features symmetrically distributed vertically. She has the on the right arm straight up and secure an open black umbrella horizontally with which seems to be away from a shapeless mass that threat. You have on your lap four children of which also only see the faces in front with folded profiles. To the left of the support area, shapeless mass occupying almost the entire area of the composition, suggesting weight if seeing beneath her bump, as if stuck with feathers defined by curvilinear strokes looking up neck and head on the floor, facing right, and crest standing open nozzle. Background suggesting street with buildings and stairs, indicated by geometrical areas, seeing is some overlapping figures to creating chiaroscuro effects.
Location Created
Candido PortinariPerson
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Artwork Function
Executed toArtworkFunctionType
Artwork Function Description
Work executed to decorate the headquarters of the Rádio Tupi of São Paulo, SP.
Art Form
Art Medium
Artwork Surface
Preservation Number
Obra tombada sob o nº 329.
Previous Collection
Diários Associados adquirida do artista sob encomenda, feita em 1942 por Assis ChateaubriandCollection
Unsigned and undated
Annotation Others
On stretcher, inscription "C 329”.