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General Info
Composition in black and white. Contour lines, rapid, parallel and crossed strokes and shaded areas. The study is divided into six scenes delimited by vertical or oblique lines that cut the height of the support. These scenes represent the stages of the trial and execution of Tiradentes. The first shows four groups distributed, being the center the more worked on, highlighting the figure in the front with his arms back and legs spread; at the right we see the fallen shackles on the floor. The second is indoor, and to the back, a window with bars can be seen, distributed groups, highlighting, on the right, a group back-facing and 3/4 to the left, looking at the central figure who is standing facing forward with the fallen arms and legs slightly apart. The third represents the gallows, with the hanged figure, surrounded by a huddled crowd, highlighting, on the right, two women kneeling and embraced facing forward, one of which has her arms raised. The fourth shows, on the gallows, a dismembered body, highlighting the head in the front. Around it, a succession of grouped heads and a, in the background, the suggestion of crowd flanking the path to the center. In the fifth there are four wooden poles side by side in perspective to the bottom, from the left to the right, from where four parts of the body are hanging. On the floor, representation of vegetation and the background mountains. In the sixth scene, from the left to the right: group of women and children; a high pole, that crosses the entire height of the composition, from which hangs a head. On the right, a group of women standing in front with arms raised from which hang broken shackles. The composition is all shaded by darker or lighter geometric areas, composing the chiaroscuro of the whole.
Location Created
Candido PortinariPerson
Artwork Function
Artwork Function Description
Study for the panel Tiradentes [FCO 3195]
Support and Technique
Dan GaleriaCollection
Height (cm)
Width (cm)
Dimension Notes
precisão: aproximadas
Signature and annotation
Stamped signature in middle of bottom half "Portinari*". Undated
Annotation Exhibition
On reverse, label "Tiradentes Exposição no Pavilhão de Arte Contemporânea de Milão – Itália 21 de março a 21 de abril de 1963”.
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