Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Exposição Portinari


'From a tin trunk on the way to the countryside
a trunk that painters have despised
but which angels come to cover with flirtatious flowers
João Cândido jumps out dressed as a rainbow
miners martyrs of freedom, St. John of the Cross jump out
the cockerel jumps, pecking at Jeremiah's tears jump out
seahorses, in a rhythmic blue line, jump out
human orchids, rubber plantations, poets with and without glasses, transfigured, jump out
whims of the northeast - our time - jump out
(we are crucified in him and our eyes bear witness)
a purified anguish leaps out in the joy of just volume and authentic color
Portinari's world leaps out from the depths
that leaves new surprises in its wake.'

In: Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro, RJ). Exposição Portinari: catálogo. Texto Andre Lentin et al. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 1953. 51 [catálogo]