René Huyghe, Guerra e Paz de Portinari: painéis para a ONU


'Portinari is one of the greatest painters of our time. His force is enormous. In that morning when I saw his paintings I had such an emotional shock that I left the Galerie Charpentier overcome by a real nervous fatigue. All afternoon I was unable to work. I was truly exhausted.'

René Huyghe

Historian and Art Critic

Chief Curator of the Louvre Museum

In: Teatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro, RJ). Guerra e Paz de Portinari: painéis para a ONU. Apres. José Carlos de Macedo Soares; introd. Fernando Alencar; texto Eugenio Luraghi et al. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 1956. 12 p. il. [catálogo]