Guilherme Figueiredo, O Jornal, 1962


'As a boy, Candido Portinari left my land with paper and colors in hand for the grand adventure of painting a country.

No, not paint it: create it out of an unseen reality, show it throughout the world, contorted, breathless, oppressed, fledgling, as if to say, '"This is how we are…'"

One day we will be just tatters of the tale of our existence. And avid, wise hands from the future will reconstruct what we were, will be surprised by us. And out of the dust that we will be, they will extract what those eyes drank in, what passed through those fingers. And they will know that we lived in this place, because he invented our eternity.'

Guilherme Figueiredo


In: FIGUEIREDO, Guilherme. Portinari. O Jornal, Rio de Janeiro. 10 fev. 1962.