Eugenio Luraghi, Mostra di Candido Portinari: catalogo


'In a time of confusion, flightiness and anemia, the example of Candido Portinari's powerful art, so full of import, content and solid technique, comes to us as a wholesome, life-giving wind, as proof that the great Latin vein has not bled dry, but, enriched by new motifs, lives on, thanks to the merit of a son of immigrants who still believes that painting is a serious, difficult occupation, which is useful to man.'

Giuseppe Eugenio Luraghi

Poet, Writer and Art Critic

In: Palazzo Reale (Milão, ITA). Mostra di Candido Portinari: catalogo. Apres. Luigi Meda; texto Eugenio Luraghi et al. Milão, ITA, 1963. 159 p. il. [catálogo]