Jorge Amado, Portinari Desenhista


'Candido Portinari has borne us up with his work. He was one of the great men of our time, since from his hands were born the hue and the poetry, the drama and the hope of our people. With his brush, he reached deeply into our reality. The Brazilian land and people – peasants, migrants, children, saints and clowns, the animals and the landscape – with them he labored and constructed his imperishable work.'

Jorge Amado

Brazilian writer

In: Museu Nacional de Belas Artes (Rio de Janeiro, RJ); Museu de Arte de São Paulo (São Paulo, SP). Portinari Desenhista. Apres. Ralph Camargo; texto Afonso Arinos et al. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 1977. 264 p. il. [catálogo]