Centenário - Portinari na BM&F – O trabalho como tema


Amidst the celebrations of the 'Centenary of Portinari' and 450th anniversary of São Paulo, the Portinari Project, with the generous sponsorship of the Commodities & Futures Exchange (BM&F), inaugurated the 'Portinari at BM&F - Work as a Motif' exhibition on September 28 at the BM&F Cultural Space in São Paulo. This remarkable exhibition was presented at the same time as the 26th São Paulo International Biennial, where the Portinari Project occupied a Special Room, offering a unique insight into the painter's universe, built up over 25 years of dedicated work aimed at researching, cataloging and disseminating the artist's work, life and times.

In this context, the Portinari Project also launched the Catalogue Raisonné of Candido Portinari's work, an unprecedented achievement in Latin America. This catalog represents a significant milestone, providing a comprehensive and authoritative compilation of the work of the renowned Brazilian painter.

Lei de Incentivo à Cultura - Lei Rouanet
PUC Rio Portinari
Enauta Itau
 logo Projeto Portinari Ministério da Cultura